Gary Atkinson
I would like to ante up my two cents worth too.
Thank you Lisa, Barb, Sandy, Donna and I know many others for putting on such a wonderful event. This was the most amazing display of turning something out of nothing since maybe the pilot of “Keeping up with the Kardashians”.
And what a fun time!
It was great to catch up with everyone (including a couple of guys from the old ‘hood), and to join in with a bunch of fellow 55 year olds getting their freak on to a truly outstanding performance from the band (loved that Santana was in their repertoire!). I daresay there was more dancing going on last Saturday night than… well… in all of our High School Dances combined. Naturally, we all look just a tad older (note the use of the word "tad"). But everyone looked so good that I swear you’ve all got a portrait in the attic that’s aging in your stead.
For what it’s worth, I also thought it was a great touch to include the display of our classmates that have matriculated into the great hereafter into the ballroom. It made it seem as though they were sharing in our reverie too.
Sure the food and all was nice. But thanks especially for bringing everyone together, the laughs, glad handing, hugs and stories.
See you at the 42nd (What is that anyway… the Linoleum Anniversary?)!